Ep. 1- Introduction to The Revolution Will Be Messy

Season #1

Welcome to the newest podcast produced by Las Dras LLC. Your hosts Renee Lemus and Cinthya Silverstein are broaching a discussion on current political topics, specifically the genocide in Gaza and the contentious discourse that is unfolding on social media. As community organizers and scholars they are addressing these topics from an understanding of colonization as a global, historical and ongoing project. As well, they are seeking to lend important nuance and complexity to issues that often get oversimplified in posts on social media. Though they are very clear in what their values are, Ceasefire Now, they feel it's important to hold space for nuance in our efforts to achieve liberation. The Revolution will indeed be messy, because humans are messy and we need to create spaces that help us create open, safe and vulnerable conversations, work through conflict and divest from perfectionism and absolutism. Nuanced not neutral! No one is free, until we are all free! Collective Liberation!